Nieuws van IPA I-NGO     News of IPA – I-NGO         Nouvelles de l’IPA I-NGO

From  IPA   I-NGO  or Head of Administration   Stephen Crockard

Dear IPA friends,

I hope you are safe and well, but sadly I know that some of you are not, and are in deadly harm’s way.

There are currently many military conflicts around the world, but the invasion of Ukraine by its huge neighbour Russia is for us very different, as it involves two nations with IPA sections. The reaction by many IPA sections and numerous individual members is evident in the emails and posts we in the International Executive Board (IEB) have received.

I shall attend my first physical branch and regional meetings for a long time in the coming days, and I have no doubt that Ukraine and our colleagues there will feature strongly in our discussions.

The International IPA President, Pierre-Martin Moulin, has contacted IPA Ukraine to ask how we can offer assistance.

The Treasurer Social Affairs, Martin Hoffmann, is looking at how to coordinate aid to IPA members in need, in Ukraine and possibly to any neighbouring sections who are receiving families of IPA Ukraine members fleeing their homeland.

The IEB has taken the principled decision to extend the remit for Emergency Aid to include the war in Ukraine.

We shall disseminate details as soon as we are advised by our friends in IPA Ukraine, how best to proceed. Pierre has published a letter to all sections outlining our position.

He has now dispatched a letter endorsed by all in the IEB, to the President of IPA Russia, seeking a statement on their position regarding the invasion, and demanding the removal of highly political articles on their website.

The timescale for receipt of their reply is a matter of days. Further action will be based on the reply, if any, from Section Russia. Nothing is ruled out by the IEB.

The punitive actions being taken by other organisations and bodies in relation to Russia are being taken into account in our decision-making process.

I and all my colleagues in the IEB hope and pray that peace will be restored to Ukraine and its citizens as soon as humanly possible.

Servo per Amikeco

Proud Occasion for IPA UK:

 A Royal Visit to remember December marked a fabulous culmination of two years’ royal patronage, when Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, visited the Arthur Troop Training and Conference Centre in Skegness. The visit was extra special, as the date marked our Founder’s birthday

IPA Ireland host Gimborn Talks in Kilkenny

Conor O’Higgins, President of Section Ireland, hosted and convened a meeting of the Gimborn Talks group in Kilkenny, Ireland between the 11th and 14th January 2022, with the meeting taking place on 12th January, followed by social and cultural activities the next day

IPA Serbia donate vital Equipment to Belgrade Clinical Centre

On 15th February 2022, the national Day of Statehood of the Republic of Serbia, Section Serbia and a supporter of the IPA Serbia Region Podunavlje Mr. Ivan Savić, owner of a health care company from Zemun, presented a donation of hospital equipment (mattresses, duvets, sheets, pillows and other vital supporting equipment) for 200 beds, to the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (UCCS) in Belgrade. The donation amounted to a value of more than 20,000 Euros. The donation was received by Prof. Goran Stevanović MD, director of the clinic, and Milka Čehić, the head nurse. In addition, in accordance with a decision of the National Executive Board of IPA Serbia, Prof. Goran Stevanović MD, was awarded the Order of « Best Doctor » and a letter of appreciation for « Sacrifices in preserving the health of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. »

The Story of IPA Romania’s Record-Breaking Iulian Rotaru

The story of our colleague, Iulian Rotaru, a member of the IPA Region 1 Botosani, began 12 years ago, when he started running around the hospital where his boy was hospitalised, thus trying to get rid of the stress of that moment. Later, this hobby acquired other values, and Iulian thought of adding an aim to the competitions in which he started to participate. Thus, he dedicated the victories obtained to an association for children with autism spectrum disorders. One by one, due to his ambition, the results started to appear, and Iulian won competition after competition.

IPA France prepare for 4th Gard Friendship

Meeting Following to the success of our last event in 2021, we had no other choice than to organise the 4th Friendship Meeting of the Gard region of IPA France, which will take place from 1 to 6 June 2022 at the ‘VVF des Cigales’ in Méjannes le Clap. On the programme are Avignon and a cruise on the Rhône, Uzès and its market, the Pont du Gard and the Féria de Pentecôtes in Nîmes. In addition, the site of Méjannes will allow us to enjoy moments of relaxation, leisure and conviviality. The event has been circulated to all sections and can be seen on the IPA international website at:

Gard FSW 2022.

For more information and registration:

Fière d’être a l’IPA, occasion pour IPA UK :

  Une visite royale inoubliable décembre a marqué le fabuleux point culminant de deux ans de patronage royal, lorsque Son Altesse Royale la princesse royale a visité le centre de formation et de conférence Arthur Troop à Skegness. La visite était très spéciale, car la date marquait l’anniversaire de notre fondateur

L’IPA Irlande accueille les Gimborn Talks à Kilkenny

Conor O’Higgins, président de la section Irlande, a accueilli et convoqué une réunion du groupe Gimborn Talks à Kilkenny, en Irlande, du 11 au 14 janvier 2022, la réunion ayant lieu le 12 janvier, suivie d’activités sociales et culturelles le lendemain

IPA Servië doneert vitale apparatuur aan Belgrado Clinical Center

Op 15 februari 2022, de nationale dag van de staat van de Republiek Servië, overhandigde Sectie Servië en een aanhanger van de IPA Servië Regio Podunavlje de heer Ivan Savić, eigenaar van een zorgbedrijf uit Zemun, een donatie van ziekenhuisapparatuur (matrassen, dekbedden, lakens, kussens en andere essentiële ondersteunende apparatuur) voor 200 bedden, naar de kliniek voor infectieuze en tropische ziekten (UCCS) in Belgrado. De donatie had een waarde van ruim 20.000 euro. De donatie werd ontvangen door Prof. Goran Stevanović MD, directeur van de kliniek, en Milka Čehić, de hoofdverpleegkundige. Bovendien ontving prof. Goran Stevanović MD, in overeenstemming met een besluit van de Nationale Raad van Bestuur van IPA Servië, de Orde van « Beste Dokter » en een waarderingsbrief voor « Opofferingen voor het behoud van de gezondheid van de burgers van de Republiek van Servië. »

Het verhaal van IPA Romania’s recordbrekende Iulian Rotaru

Het verhaal van onze collega, Iulian Rotaru, een lid van de IPA Regio 1 Botosani, begon 12 jaar geleden, toen hij begon rond te rennen in het ziekenhuis waar zijn jongen in het ziekenhuis lag, en probeerde zo van de stress van dat moment af te komen. Later kreeg deze hobby andere waarden, en Iulian dacht erover om een ​​doel toe te voegen aan de wedstrijden waaraan hij begon deel te nemen. Zo droeg hij de behaalde overwinningen op aan een vereniging voor kinderen met autismespectrumstoornissen. Een voor een, vanwege zijn ambitie, begonnen de resultaten te verschijnen, en Iulian won competitie na competitie.

L’IPA France se prépare pour la 4ème édition de l’Amitié Gardoise

Suite au succès de notre dernière manifestation en 2021, nous n’avions d’autre choix que d’organiser la 4ème Rencontre de l’Amitié du Gard de l’IPA France, qui se déroulera du 1er au 6 juin 2022 au VVF des Cigales à Méjannes le Clap.

Au programme, Avignon et une croisière sur le Rhône, Uzès et son marché, le Pont du Gard et la Féria de Pentecôtes à Nîmes.

De plus, le site de Méjannes nous permettra de profiter de moments de détente, de loisirs et de convivialité. L’événement a été distribué à toutes les sections et peut être consulté sur le site Web international de l’IPA à l’adresse :       Gard FSW 2022.

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